Practical Procedural Macros


Summary: An explaination of how to implement practical procedural macros in the Rust programming language. Explains the different types of macros, then shows an implementation of a procedural macro following best practices, focusing on testing and ergonomics. Assumes some familiarity with Rust.

In Rust, a macro is code that writes other code, enabling metaprogramming.

Rust uses macros to add features on top of the core language, like the println!() macro, providing variadic arguments and string interpolation. They can also be used for code generation, removing the need for error-prone copy-and-paste programming. Macros are even powerful enough to create domain-specific languages, or type-checked SQL at compile-time.

When should you use or not use procedural macros?

To be clear - most of the time, you don't need procedural macros.

Declarative macros, the classic form of macros, rely on purely declarative logic. They look something like this:

macro_rules! expr {
    (eval $a:expr + $b: expr) => {
        println!("{}", $a + $b);

expr!(eval 1 + 2);
// evaluates to
println!("{}", 1 + 2);

They use their own separate, declarative language. But declarative macros are not without warts and are pretty hard to understand if they get bigger and bigger.

Rust introducted procedural macros in Rust 1.30 for custom #[attributes]. Unlike declarative macros, proc macros use Rust directly, so you're writing the macros in the same language, which makes it much easier to scale. For this reason, you should consider proc macros if you need to deal with a large macro.

But procedural macros have drawbacks. First, to do anything practical, you'll likely need the syn library, notorious for long build times. And second, there are still many footguns left in proc macros today. This guide will explain the ones I know of.

Note that once you do invest into procedural macros, it's easier to write the next ones, because a fair bit of the cost is up-front.

Overall, consider procedural macros if one of these applies:

A short primer

There are three different types of procedural macros:

These types differ only by their syntax when invoked. Function-like, as their name suggests, act like your usual declarative macros.

Derive macros can apply in any #[derive(..)] block. This makes them most interesting for macros that need to generate code on structs.

Attributes macros are a more general version, which can be applied to any "item" in Rust: structs, traits, functions, types and so on. The tokio::main macro is a good example of why to use this kind of macro: it decorates a main function, without having to add an extra level of indentation. Compare with the function like syntax:

tokio_main! { // extra indentation
    fn main() {
        println!("hello world")

The most important difference is procedural macros operate on tokens, not the AST directly, so the proc macro has to reimplement parsing of Rust source code.

This is most often done with syn.

Procedural macros are compiler extensions: they are currently run as part of the compiler. This is the main reason why they have to be declared in a separate crate.

Finally, proc macros are not fully hygienic (it's complicated). Most importantly, like declarative macros, they are not path hygenic, so you need to use full paths, eg. std::thread::spawn, or include use statements if you can.

Use cargo-expand to manually test and see the output of a macro.

Creating a proc macro

As we have to declare the proc macro in a separate crate, and assuming we have some code already, we'll need at least two crates: one for your proc macros and another one for the rest of your code.

I recommend using a workspace to organise this. Workspaces are an integrated way within Cargo to have multiple crates. If you use other systems to build your macro code, take a look at the proc macro Rust rules for gn or Bazel.

Here's an example with two crates, your library crate and the proc macro crate. You'll need to create the workspace layout yourself as there is no tool to do so automatically yet.

my_project/             // new folder
├─ my_crate/
│  ├─ Cargo.toml
│  ├─
├─ my_crate_proc_macro/ // macro crate (cargo new --lib my_crate_proc_macro)
│  ├─ Cargo.toml
│  ├─
├─ Cargo.toml           // new file

Now to declare the proc macro:

# my_crate_proc_macro/Cargo.toml
proc-macro = true

Add your newly declared proc macro crate as a dependency to your main crate's Cargo.toml, so it can use it:

# my_crate/Cargo.toml
my_crate_proc_macro = { path = "../my_crate_proc_macro" }

Then add the workspace at the top level, above the two crates:

# Cargo.toml
members = [

Here's an example of an function-like proc-macro. Add the #[proc_macro] attribute to a function in your proc macro crate to make it a proc macro. Each kind of proc macro has a different signature, but they all take and return TokenStream, a list of tokens.

pub fn my_macro(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

Foundational crates for best practices proc macros

It's possible to use proc macros without any dependencies, but using these will save you trouble and headaches over the long run.

Testing: proc_macro2

This crate is a wrapper around the proc_macro crate from the compiler, which you use to create a proc macro. However, proc_macro is not usable in non proc-macro contexts, meaning you can't use it in tests.

proc_macro2 is a wrapper around the compiler crate. This means, most importantly for us, that you can use the proc macro in tests.

Many other crates in the ecosystems have separate functions for proc_macro and proc_macro2, for example syn::parse vs syn::parse2.

Here's an example of how proc_macro2 can be useful. In this example, we separate the parts with proc_macro and proc_macro2, and test the proc_macro2 parts. The actual proc macro does a roundtrip from proc_macro2 structures and back. (Do not use the test in this example, see below.)

pub fn my_macro(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

fn my_macro_impl(_item: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    "fn macro_generated() -> u32 {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn unit() {
        // test for illustrative purposes
        // do not use this test, see `quote` section below
            "fn macro_generated() -> u32 { 42 }"

Creating trees: quote

In our test, we converted the TokenStreams to strings, because they don't implement Eq, so we can't compare them directly.

Can you spot the error in the test?

    "fn macro_generated() -> u32 { 42 }"

The proper result is actually "fn macro_generated () -> u32 { 42 }", with a space between macro_generated and the ().

To test this macro, we used the string conversion of TokenStream, which just outputs each distinct token with a space between, stripping newlines.

To avoid this, convert to and from a TokenStream:

    "fn macro_generated() -> u32 { 42 }".parse::<proc_macro2::TokenStream>()

As you can see, this way is pretty error prone. At this point you'd likely make a helper.

The confusion stems from our using strings as a way to represent Rust source code, because we must create the TokenStream by some method. Here, we confused a string with code written raw, but not converted, with one converted from a TokenStream.

There's a more convenient way: the third-party quote crate, turning any code passed into a token tree directly. quote has a few niceties, including interpolation and repetition.

Here's the previous example rewritten to use quote:

use quote::quote;

pub fn my_macro(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {

fn my_macro_impl(_item: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    quote! {
        fn macro_generated() -> u32 {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn unit() {
            quote! {
                fn macro_generated() -> u32 {

We'll see more of the power of quote as we go. Overall, it's more a convenience than anything, though be careful when testing if you choose not to use it.

Parsing Rust: syn

What if our macro takes some Rust input, and we want to parse it? There are two choices.

First, we can manually parse the subset of Rust we want. This is doable but especially tedious. If you choose to go this route, the best way to go is probably looking at macros not using syn, doc-comment's source code could be a good starting point. You save out on the long compile times of syn.

However, this is painful, and brittle in the face of new syntax, so you'll probably want to use syn if you're doing anything pretty complex.

We've talked a lot about tokens so far, but not so much about syntax trees . Put simply, abstract syntax trees are much easier to deal with than tokens, as they don't need to represent details in the real syntax, like the parentheses and brackets, as well as the actual symbols you type out in source code.

Here's the abstract syntax tree for a simple pub fn main() {}:

Item::Fn {
    attrs: [],
    vis: Visibility::Public(
    sig: Signature {
        constness: None,
        asyncness: None,
        unsafety: None,
        abi: None,
        fn_token: Fn,
        ident: Ident {
            sym: main,
            span: bytes(8..12),
        generics: Generics {
            lt_token: None,
            params: [],
            gt_token: None,
            where_clause: None,
        paren_token: Paren,
        inputs: [],
        variadic: None,
        output: ReturnType::Default,
    block: Block {
        brace_token: Brace,
        stmts: [],

Of course, syn can parse any Rust syntax, not just functions.

I recommend using the AST Explorer and putting Rust code in. This is an easy way to see what data is available on an syn AST.

Here's an example that reverses the name of the function. For this example, we're using an attribute macro. It takes an extra argument (the arguments in #[my_macro(arguments)]).

use quote::quote;

pub fn my_macro(
    _attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    my_macro_impl(_attr.into(), item.into()).into()

fn my_macro_impl(
    _attr: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
    item: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    let mut func: syn::ItemFn = match syn::parse2(item.clone()) {
        Ok(it) => it,
        Err(e) => return e.into_compile_error(),

    let ident = func.sig.ident;
    let reversed: String = ident.to_string().chars().rev().collect();
    func.sig.ident = syn::Ident::new(&reversed, ident.span());

    quote! { #func }

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn unit() {
                quote! {
                    fn my_function(a: u32) {}
            quote! {
                fn noitcnuf_ym(a: u32) {}

We use syn::parse2 to parse into the type on the left, here an ItemFn which is a function.

As an aside, because the macro may be applied to something else than a function, eg. in front on a struct, we might not be able to parse a function. In this case we bail and return the error.

The naive way to do this would be to panic, but this gives subpar error messages (proc macro panicked). So it would be nice at least to reuse syn's error.

But we can't return an error in proc macros - only tokens. The main way around this is to return tokens containing core::compile_error from the Rust standard library.

When that compile error is evaluated, it will return a nice compiler error for the user. There's a convenient into_compile_error() in syn to do this.

Testing compiler errors: trybuild

We've talked a bit about errors. It would be nice to solidfy this in our tests: let's test our errors.

Problem: an error message isn't just a message, so testing macro expansions like we did before is missing a bit of the picture. Here's what a parse error looks like for our macro currently, when we try to apply it, for example, to a struct:

error: expected `fn`
 --> src/
3 | struct A;
  | ^^^^^^

We have the error message, generated by syn with into_compile_error: expected `fn`. But that's not all. Under the error is the code it applies to highlighted.

This is why strings aren't enough for macros. On top of the code, Rust includes a Span, that describes where the token was in the original code. (Spans are also used for macro hygiene purposes, mainly relevant for identifiers.)

Okay, so how do we test compiler errors? I recommend using trybuild. Let's try it out with our error output from above put in tests/struct.stderr:

// tests/
use my_crate_proc_macro::my_macro;
struct A;
mod tests { // ...
    fn compile_errors() {
        let t = trybuild::TestCases::new();

For each test that it finds, trybuild will compile it, check that it fails and compare the error output to the corresponding .stderr file. trybuild can generate these .stderr files for you as well.


I hope this article has given you a good overview of procedural macros, as well as how to get started in a practical manner.

Proc macros are (too?) complicated, and the lack of a fully integrated guide hurts their usability. The documention is there, just scattered around, and it's hard to get started.

If you're looking for good practice, the best resource is likely the Proc Macro Workshop made by David Tolnay, the author of many of the libraries listed here.